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Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Juicy Details about My Road Trip Across Canada

Hey AWESOME and loyal fans of Lucas' Awesome Road Trip Across Canada!

I made this blog for a reason: to post about my trip across Canada! My sister, Kiah, is tree planting out in BC and Alberta. She'll be in Vancouver on July 13-14, and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to find out more about my country, Canada.

I will be travelling with my father. My other sister, Aisha, be joining us for part of the trip. We will be driving a super awesome, metallic red Range Rover Autobiography, which I just got for my birthday! (Thanks, Mom!) This vehicle gets good mileage and will be a comfortable ride.

We will be leaving right after school ends, on June 30th. The trip should take us about two weeks, and along the way, we will be making many interesting and exciting stops.

When I was looking on Google Maps, I noticed that to travel between Toronto and Winnipeg, it was showing that I should go through the U.S. The area of the U.S. I was going to go through was right near Chicago! I dragged the route so that I would go through Chicago so I could stop and see the set of my favorite T.V. shows - Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D. I will also go to Banff AB and do some hiking! I will then go to Vancouver which I don't yet know what I will do there.

Feel free to follow us on our journey as we travel from Ottawa to Vancouver in two weeks.
This is the car that I will be driving in. It is a 2013 Range Rover Autobiography
Aisha and I are ready to go!
Kiah in her tree-planting gear

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