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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I'm in Saskatchewan! Regina to be exact

Hey again guys!

We've more than halfway completed our trip! We were on the road from Winnipeg by 9 am. It took us about six and a half hours to get to Regina; we arrived at about 3:30 pm. This was just in time to go to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Since I found the Inuit art at the Winnipeg Art Gallery so fascinating, we decided to visit the First Nations Gallery. I thought that it was a very interesting experience, and I now know more about a very important Canadian culture, the First Nations.

The next day we took a day trip to Buffalo Pound Provincial Park. It took about an hour and a quarter, and the drive was a good opportunity to see some Canadian wheat farms, a crop that is extremely common in the prairies. The prairies are called the "Breadbasket of Canada" because they have the perfect conditions to grow wheat, the main ingredient in the bread that will be sold all over Canada.

According to"Weather that is comfortable for humans is also good for wheat. Wheat needs 12 to 15 inches (31 to 38 centimeters) of water to produce a good crop. It grows best when temperatures are warm, from 70° to 75° F (21° to 24° C), but not too hot. Wheat also needs a lot of sunshine, especially when the grains are filling. Areas with low humidity are better since many wheat diseases thrive in damp weather."

Buffalo Pound Provincial Park was very nice. It is located in the interior plains which were once covered with many different kinds of grasses. Today, the interior plains physical features is grass with long roots like bluestems, June grass, porcupine grass as well as pine, spruce and fir trees. Most farmers own large hectares of land and grow oat, barley and wheat. The area has plenty of water and sunlight.

Map of Regina to Buffalo Pond Provincial Park, about an hour's drive from Regina

The MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina
A lake in Buffalo Pond Provincial Park

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